Rivka Ravid, Neuroscientist

Founder and Director

Brain Bank Consultants

Dr. Rivka Ravid is a Tissue/Bio banker and a neuroscientist; her main expertise’s are in Brain/tissue /Bio Banking (BTB -banking) and the harmonization of internationally accepted medico-legal-ethical guidelines for use of human specimens in basic and clinical research.

Dr.Ravid is actively involved as a consultant for the coordination of European and Asian-pacific clinical trials in Neurology, target discovery and drug development by several pharma companies.

She started in 1987 as the Coordinator of the Netherlands Brain Bank (NBB) and was since 2001 the Managing and scientific Director of the Netherlands Brain Bank and a Scientific Project leader at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Her line of work and main interests include setting up Tissue and Bio banks, making the public aware of the need for human specimens for clinical and basic research to discover disease etiology and develop therapies and treatments to cure these diseases.
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